33-2. Leaves for TATs

In case of absence exceeding ten consecutive school days due to personal illness, a TAT may apply for and secure a leave of absence without pay, except as provided in the sick pay rule. Such leave shall not exceed five school months unless extended, provided, however, all leaves granted such teachers shall expire at the end of June with the close of the school term.


In the event that a TAT receives another certificate, said teacher will be eligible to apply for and secure another leave of absence upon presentation of proof establishing continued serious personal illness.

Said extension will be limited to five school months, and the teacher must pass a health examination by a medical examiner of the BOARD before returning to teaching.


The replacement of a TAT by a certified teacher or by another temporarily certified teacher in the position occupied by said teacher shall not affect the leave as far as eligibility for sick leave pay is concerned.


Leaves of absence may also be granted, without pay, except as provided in the sick pay rule, to any TAT who shall file a written request for leave with the Talent Office because of the serious illness of a member of the immediate family, that is, one who resides with or is supported by such teacher

Such leaves may not exceed five school months within two consecutive school years, provided, further, that such leaves shall automatically expire with the expiration of their temporary certificates at the end of June with the close of the school term.