3-7. Chief Executive Officer’s Review

3-7.1. Right to Appeal

Within fifteen school days after receiving the decision of the principal or the grievant’s head administrator if the grievant is not assigned to an individual school, the grievant, through the UNION, may appeal to the Chief Executive Officer or the Director of Employee Engagement or his or her designee. Copies of the original grievance, the appeal and any decision rendered shall be forwarded to the Director of Employee Engagement with the request for review

3-7.2. Notice of Conference

The Chief Executive Officer or the Director of Employee Engagement or his or her designee shall meet within ten school days with the grievant, his or her UNION representative, if any, and the principal or head administrator. The Chief Executive Officer or his or her designee will give all participants three school days’ notice of the time and place of the meeting in writing. By mutual consent, the parties may conduct the meeting via electronic means including, but not limited to, video-, virtual- and tele-conferencing.

3-7.3. Scheduling of Conference

Conferences held under this grievance procedure shall be scheduled at a time and place which will afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons entitled to be present to attend, including witnesses. The UNION shall have the right to be present at each stage of the grievance procedure and to present its views and introduce evidence. Every effort shall be made to hold such conferences during the school day and when held during the school day all participants shall be entitled to attend without loss of pay.

3-7.4. Witnesses

The UNION may present up to two witnesses, in addition to the grievant(s), at a grievance meeting at the Central Office level. Additional witnesses shall be allowed with the Chief Executive Officer’s or his or her designee’s permission. If witnesses are called at the grievance meeting, the Chief Executive Officer may require that the hearing be conducted via electronic means (e.g., video conferencing or telephonically).

3-7.5. Communication of Decision

The Chief Executive Officer or the Director of Employee Engagement or his or her designee shall issue a written decision and communicate the same and the bases for the decision to the parties involved within twenty school days after completion of the conference.