22-5. Work Space and Equipment for Itinerant Teachers

Itinerant Teachers shall be provided with appropriate work space to include a desk, chair and testing tables; a computer; a locking file cabinet with a key; direct access to working copiers, printers and telephones for follow up calls; testing environments that are heated and well ventilated; and necessary supplies, including file folders, paper clips and envelopes to store professional protocols. The Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services shall inform principals annually at the beginning of the year about Itinerant Teacher work space needs in writing. A copy of this written transmission shall be submitted to the City-Wide Professional Problems Committee at the first meeting. The Principal shall provide Itinerant Teachers access to a designated space within the school building that is confidential and private for the provision of therapeutic services and testing to students. The Principal or designee will provide Itinerant Teachers a weekly schedule of the designated space. Work space allocated to Itinerant Teachers shall provide appropriate privacy for the administration of tests (in accordance with CPS-allocated test requirements and state and national standards) and confidential discussions and shall be as free from noise and interruption as the educational program and the school facility permits. The Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services shall conduct a survey to be distributed to Itinerant Teachers before the end of September each school year to ascertain whether the work space conditions are adequate as defined in this article. A process to remediate the situation shall be determined by the City-Wide Professional Problems Committee with the Office of Labor Relations and the administrators of Office of Diverse Learners Services and Supports.